We include a legend in our Bruegel Netherlandish Proverbs puzzle pointing out around 50 of the proverbs Bruegel hid in the picture. Wikipedia also has a great visual legend here. Experts say there's over 100 proverbs in overlapping configurations. For example, Bruegel expert Robert Baldwin notes,
“In many instances, Bruegel overlaid up to four proverbs in a single figure. Thus the man in the tavern window 1) pisses on the moon [wastes his efforts], 2) shows a toothache behind his ear (deception), 3) pisses outside the pot (goes against conventions) and 4) in his window appearance, seems to be "window sick not door sick", i.e. playing up his illness. Further to the left, the fool in the tavern window 1) gets the card (fortune favors fools), 2) sits under the knife (is under the gun), and 3) shits on a world which 4) is itself topsy turvy.”