This Puzzle Parley is the world's biggest wooden jigsaw puzzle event, held every two years for the last 25 years or so.
It's on for this summer, July 12-15 in Rochester New York.
It's a friendly event with a lot of show-and-tell by puzzle collectors and amazing puzzle hand-cutters (putting the "jigsaw" back into "jigsaw puzzle), raffles, auction, cutting demonstrations, and our own puzzle designer Tara Flannery will be floating around as well (80% chance).
Rumored events this year include:
- VIP tour of the Strong Museum and its vast puzzle holdings
- VIP tour of Buffalo Games Factory
- Puzzle Historian Anne Williams talk on A Field Guide to Jigsaw Puzzle Identification
- Puzzle Historian Bob Armstrong talk on Dickens in Puzzles
- Judy Peterson, How to Design a Jigsaw Puzzle If You Can't Draw
- Mark Tschida, Making Wood Puzzles Using Veneers
- Chris Yates, The Making of "Baffler" Puzzles