Artifact Puzzles - Tyukanov Moon Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 80.00


This delightful 300 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle features the neosurrealist painting of contemporary Russian painter Sergey Tyukanov. The puzzle pieces were designed by Seattle artist Maria Berg and includes numerous realistic aviation-themed whimsies.

 This puzzle has a straight edge and average difficulty.

All our puzzles are laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood.

Comes packaged in an unfinished pine wooden box.

Made in the USA

Warning: puzzle pieces are a choking hazard for small children.

  • 300 pieces
  • 11" x 14.5"
  • laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Robyn, VA
Review: The background is quite a bit murkier than the picture indicates, but this puzzle has a fabulous set of whimsies that makes it a joy to put together.
Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
Review: While this puzzle isn't our normal bright and colorful selections it packed a lot of fun in 300 pieces. All the whimsies are things you'd find in the sky. There is enough color variation to help with the blue and not make this one too difficult.
Name: Dana
Review: Made an interesting afternoon. Loved the color and the pattern of this painting. Finding the palm trees and their vessels was my modus operandi, husband attacked the mountains, then we bothshifted through the cloudy sky
Name: Donald Lloyd
Review: Great fun with these unusual patterns of the pieces
Name: Flowerlady
Review: So creative and the puzzle pieces are uniquely cut compared to a cardboard puzzle. The images are so small sometimes I have to get a magnifier to see them. This is the third puzzle and will be framed and displayed. Makes for an interesting decor.