Artifact Puzzles - Erin Hanson Big Sur Lupin Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 100.00


This 383 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle is a beautiful landscape by contemporary American painter Erin Hanson of purple lupin blooming at dawn on the coastal hills of Big Sur, California. 

The puzzle has Big Sur themed whimsy pieces, from a road-tripping convertible to a skunk, and lots of nested spiral pieces , those pieces are a bit larger than normal pieces to make them robust.

The puzzle has a decorative whimsical irregular edge with drop-outs (drop-outs are tiny bits of the image that are left out on purpose to enhance the look of the puzzle). The irregular edge is NOT shown on the box picture! Puzzle design by David Figueiras. 

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from quarter-inch thick wood.

Packaged in our unfinished pine wood box with sliding lid and small image on the box.  Note the box image does NOT show the irregular edge! 

Made in USA.

We note this Erin Hanson painting is also known as Dawning Lupin, but we have titled it Big Sur Lupin to clarify that the landscape is of Big Sur, and so as not to confuse it with our similarly-titled puzzle Dawning Saguaro.

  • 383 pieces
  • 12" x 20" when complete
  • laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released September 2023

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Write a Review

Name: Jim
Review: This is a beautiful puzzle that my wife and I found to be difficult and rewarding. The whimsies -- hikers, a whale, and eagle, a couple of seals, a woodpecker, and others -- provide a depth of satisfaction we did not expect from some jigsaw puzzle. She had to work, so I continued puzzling over it for several days, finding more swirls, tucking in more whimsies, building out the remarkably irregular edges. I thought this was HARD -- but I loved it! Fall into the image! Position the light obliquely to one side to see the whimsies! Oh, my. What a lovely, lovely puzzle. This was my third Artifact puzzle: one, my friend invited me to share over Christmas -- it was a Christmas tree (and I really, really recommend it!). After that, I got out the Artifact puzzle he gave us the Christmas before. Then my wife gave me this one. Take the plunge! Buy the puzzle. Immerse yourself in the whimsies! Step out of whatever it is that has you caught up in worry, and lose yourself in the depth of Big Sur Lupin. P.S. I'll be back.
Name: Do I Have Put My Name
Review: Incredibly beautiful! We got started in the afternoon, then had friends over for dinner who don't usually puzzle but who are very smart and we all started poking away at it after dinner, and they ended up staying til midnight to finish it (and we are old!). This is the best puzzle we've done in a long time.