Artifact Puzzles - Georgia O Keeffe Reflections Double-Sided Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 81.00 Sold out


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This is a 205-piece double-sided wooden jigsaw puzzle of Georgia O'Keeffe's 1922 painting, "Lake George Reflection." The abstract landscape in the art is divided here into abstract puzzle pieces, designed by Amy Tang. The puzzle has a straight edge and is double-sided, with the same image on both sides, and thus is itself a reflection much like the art, and this makes it more difficult to solve than if it were single-sided (we categorize this as a really hard puzzle). Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and laser-cut. Packaged in our blue box with a magnetic clasp. Made in the USA.

6.75" by 11.5"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Heather, CA
Review: Double-sided PLUS double reflection image makes this one more challenging than it looks!
Name: Claire R.
Review: This might just be my favorite Artifact puzzle. I love the challenge of double-sided puzzles to begin with, and this image makes for a particularly mind-bending challenges.If you pay close attention to the edges of the pieces you can tell which way is "up" from minor variations in how the laser cuts on entrance and exit, but I was mostly able to tune that information out, which meant lots of delightful flip-flopping of sections back and forth as I slowly assembled islands and joined them together. I could have wished for a slightly tighter cut that made pieces less prone to drop out when I flipped a section--I ended up resorting to using a spatula--but other than that, it was a delight.
Name: Elle
Review: This one was hard! There's a trick to figuring it out but once you do it's great!
Name: Kelly A
Review: OMG. Just finished this one! It is thrilling! I love the small size and how well made and beautiful it is! I kept it on my kitchen table and worked on it with my coffee in the mornings--took about 4 coffee sessions to complete. More Georgia O'Keeffe puzzles please! More double sided small puzzles please! More women artist puzzles please! I'm hooked!
Name: Timothy Wright
Review: This takes a little while, the image is double sided, with the reflection and the double sided, one has four of everything to sort out. I started putting together the wide black and white wedge shaped stripe and then working outwards. For some reason the reflection is not perfect, which can help. Half the time the piece one is searching for is upside down. One works areas of puzzles and then fits the areas together. Several times to fit areas together one section had to be flipped over and spun 180 degrees. I was about 80% done and I had 4 pieces left all sky blue. I turned them over and each had a pattern and was able to use the pattern on the reverse to fit the 4 pieces together. Then flip the 4 pieces over and they can only fit in one place. A person smarter than I am could use this to an advantage. I think I am of average Artifact abilities, I needed five hours working alone to finish this puzzle. Maybe the most fun I've had for five hours in some time. This puzzle is a favorite, one puzzle friend boxed it up and borrowed it as soon as I finished. Another couple I share puzzles with will not let it in their house.