Artifact Puzzles - Vladstudio Owl Internet Cafe Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 60.00


This is a 204 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of VladStudio's "pixel-art" digital painting of an internet cafe for owls. This puzzle has many nocturnal-animal-shaped whimsy pieces (puzzle design by Maria Berg). The puzzle has a straight edge with a bit of a surprise, and coupled with the fact that it's all blue-black, this puzzles is a little more challenging than you might expect for 204 pieces. Like all our puzzles, the pieces are laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packed in a small box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

  • 204 pieces
  • 7" x 12"
  • laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

IS IT A GIFT? Write who it's from in the Company line of the shipping address (up to 30 characters), e.g. From Uncle Sam

Write a Review

Name: Peg in MA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Great fun to give to somebody who hasn't seen the picture! Harder than you'd expect for the number of pieces.
Name: Rachel, NC
Review: Absolutely loved this. Tricky edges and super great cut!
Name: susan kaput
Review: Bought this for the grandchildren, but had to test it first (my pleasure). Absolutely delightful and not as easy as I thought it would be. Cleverly designed to make you sure there are pieces missing more than once, finishing it made me feel slightly more intelligent than I actually am (an enjoyable, if brief feeling).....they're gonna love it.
Name: Patrick O. Malone
Review: Fun puzzle. Wonderful time putting it together. Not as easy as it would seem coming out of the box. Pupil position may help determine f(owl) placement.
Name: slugbiker
Review: Even with the limited color palette, not that hard. Fun "creatures of the night" whimsies.