Artifact Puzzles - Eric Joyner Gangenstein Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 45.00


This is a 159 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle featuring Eric Joyner's Gangenstein. Designed by Jef Bambas, this puzzle contains an abundance of robot body part whimsies that can be mixed and matched to create your very own robots! Awaken your inner puzzle skills with this fun, electrifying puzzle. This puzzle has a straight edge and average difficulty.

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a small blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

11" by 7"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Amhara in NY - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Make sure you put the whimsies together when done to make your own robot monsters
Name: Rachel and Aaron Cato
Review: A lovely puzzle snack for when you just don't have time to work a big one but need a puzzle fix!
Name: Rebecca, MA
Review: Fast and fun. A nice puzzle when you want to put one together in a single sitting.
Name: stephanie, FL
Review: small, very easy
Name: Erik McBride
Review: This was a fun puzzle to put together. I did it in a few hours with breaks. I love how the pieces are cut. A little small when finished, but worth the price. I'll frame it, for sure. After I finished this one, I bought Purgatory puzzle and put 3 more in my wish list. :-)