Artifact Puzzles - APAK Fruit Of Dreams Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 50.00


This is a 175 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of an adorable painting by the artist-couple known as APAK. The puzzle has an oval-y edge and oval-shaped pieces and fun themed whimsy pieces; puzzle design by Maria Berg. The puzzle difficulty is average. Like all our puzzles, made with 1/4" thick wood and the pieces are laser-cut. Packaged in a small box with a magnetic clasp. Made in USA.

  • 175 pieces
  • 9" x 9"
  • laser-cut wooden jigsaw puzzle

    Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

  • IS IT A GIFT? Write who it's from in the Company line of the shipping address (up to 30 characters), e.g. From Uncle Sam

    Write a Review

    Name: Puzzle, FL
    Review: Very cute puzzle with some unique pieces and not too difficult.
    Name: Kayla, NY
    Review: Absolutely adorable! Loved all the pieces in this one
    Name: Kelly
    Review: This is such a sweet little puzzle. The whimsies are so fun, and I found the image enchanting. Since it's a small puzzle it's fairly easy to put together, but it's still just challenging enough to be enjoyable.
    Name: Gayle
    Review: APAK Fruit of Dreams is a delightful puzzle that’s fun to put together. I can see this being a pleasure for all sorts of ages. The pieces are a good size and shape--old, stiff hands can deal with getting a grip and placing them. While not all the pieces interlock, there are enough connections helping hold the pieces together that they don’t scatter all over the table when trying to put another puzzle into its slot. There’s a handful of whimsies, some of which you might not discover until you fit them in. It’s fun to see the puzzle edges fall into place--not boring straight edges. As always, Artifact puzzle pieces are a slick fit--never need to force things. Not one to look at the picture, Fruit of Dreams probably took me just under two hours to put together.
    Name: Cynthia Magnuson
    Review: Got this one as a present, and I admit at first I felt like the image was a bit too kiddy/cute for my taste, so I did the puzzle with my nieces (7 and 9), but it turned out to just be really fun and sweet, so then after they left I did it again that evening by myself and really enjoyed it. So I'm not sure I would recommend giving this to grown-up women like me, but it was really fun and cute to do.