Artifact Puzzles - Renoir Pears Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 50.00


This 166 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of Auguste Renoir's impressionist still life of pears has a special design by Chandler Millwood. Instead of traditional piece shapes, connectors, or whimsies, the puzzle consists of abstract blobular pieces and narrow spiral pieces that link them together. These super fancy pieces are larger than average, but their unusual shapes and the irregular edge should make the puzzle a bit harder than average for its size.

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood. Packaged in a blue box with magnetic clasp. Made in USA. 

8.75" by 11.5"

Released November 2021.

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Martha
Review: I can’t recall solving a puzzle quite like this before. The way it came together made it feel like the puzzle was growing itself and bringing me along for the ride. It wasn’t hard really, so much as it was fascinating! For those who’ve never experienced solving a puzzle without referencing the image, this might be a good one to experiment with. The piece shapes are amazing. As I worked, the desire to look up the designer was relentless but I found it impossible to step away from the puzzle at all to go and check. I can tell you now that Chandler Millwood has knocked this out of the park. It goes against my nature to tell you what to do, but you might not want to miss this one. ;-)
Name: Margaret
Review: This is another solid Artifact puzzle! Sometimes I just want to sit down with a small puzzle and enjoy putting it together without much fuss or frustration. This pretty puzzle fits the bill and will be a great one to loan out to friends and family who might be intimidated by a more difficult puzzle. Because the pieces are larger they would be good for younger kids or older people (like my 70-something mom but don't tell her I said that :))The piece shapes unique and cool! I really enjoyed this puzzle!