Artifact Puzzles - Kozyndan Kelp Magic Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 100.00


This delightful wooden jigsaw puzzles has 449 pieces and sports the playful image of otters called "Kelp Magic" by artist-couple Kozyndan

Overall this puzzle is a harder than average for its piece count. 

The puzzle design has irregular shaped pieces and lots of fun underwater whimsy pieces shaped like otters and dolphins and whales and more!  The edge is straight. Puzzle design by David Figueiras and Gema Palacio.

Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" thick wood.

Packaged in our 2" wood box with a small image of the puzzle on top, and engraved side label. 

Made in USA.

12" by 16" once completed. 

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

Released February 2023

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Write a Review

Name: Julie in CA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: Very enjoyable with the kelp and sea critters. Liked it a lot.
Name: Erin, CA
Review: I thought I had tired of undersea images featuring too-cute sea life, but I liked this one! I think all the kelp makes it interesting and a bit more realist, the rainbow sea otter collection not withstanding. Nice whimsies, but not too many
Name: Tracy, FL
Review: I would call this medium-hard. Lots of blue and those where the sections that got finished last. Enjoyed this puzzle!