Ecru Puzzles - Awa Tsireh Animal Designs Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 36.00


This is a 80 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of Awa Tsireh's Animal Designs. Awa Tsireh was a Pueblo painter and his representations of animals here are reflected in our whimsy pieces. The rest of the puzzle design uses mini-hex pieces.

This is a really hard puzzle for its piece count due to the limited color palette and mini-hex pieces, which one can put in the wrong ways if you do not pay attention to the image! Puzzle design by Jef Bambas.

Our Ecru Puzzles line has matte images that are easier on the eyes. Like all our puzzles, made of 1/4" thick laser-cut wood and made in the USA. Packaged in a blue box with a magnetic clasp.

Formerly Mystery Puzzle #4

6.75" by 8.75"

Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Z in PA - Review from Hoefnagel Puzzle Club
Review: I've done multiple mini-hexagon puzzles and enjoy them. This one was a fast solve for me but still fun (especially without looking at the picture). It would be a good "starter" puzzle for the mini-hexagon cut (it even has 3 whimsies).
Name: Denise, Id
Review: A cute little puzzle. Was confusing as the box says it’s 105 pieces and I counted 80 pieces.
Name: Kay, CA
Review: A small treasure of a puzzle. Love the puzzles with non-unique pieces.
Name: Diane D
Review: This is a delightful little puzzle. The creatures are interesting, and the mini-hex pieces are fun and easy to handle. This puzzle is supposed to be "really hard", but it really is not. I would call it average in difficulty; it took me about an hour to complete.
Name: Hazel Altan
Review: This was my second Ecru puzzle, and based on the description I anticipated it being pretty difficult. So I was surprised and delighted to find that the pattern recognition part of my brain was fully activated and engaged - this puzzle took me only a little over an hour to complete. I enjoyed the process so much that I immediately took it apart and started over! The individual creatures are so endearingly wrought that their personalities just leap up to be noticed. I found the challenge refreshing and entertaining rather than daunting. Consisistent with Artifact puzzles, the design itself enhanced the subject and added depth to the experience of completing it. The Ecru style with matte finish image and close fitting pieces is very appealing to work with, too. Full value - compelling image and puzzle design - worth doing many times. 5 stars.