Artifact Puzzles - Nadiezda Night Ship Wooden Jigsaw Puzzle

$ 81.00 Sold out


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This is a 283 piece wooden jigsaw puzzle of a gorgeous image by Mexican artist Nadiezda. The puzzle design is by Kathryn Flocken, and includes numerous sea whimsy pieces with shapes like a puffer fish, a weedy seadragon, an angler fish, and even an axolotl! Connectors are shaped like stars and very-round knobs. The puzzle edge is not straight, and the top edge is a starry sky. It's harder than the average puzzle. To see example pieces and a photo of the completed puzzle, click on the small image below the product image. Like all our puzzles, laser-cut from 1/4" wood. Packaged in our standard pine wood box. Made in USA.

  • 283 pieces
  • 14" x 11"
  • laser cut wooden jigsaw puzzle
  • Made in USA
  • Manufacturer recommended age: 15 years and up

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Write a Review

Name: Nicole, CA
Review: This was a cute little puzzle
Name: mapp
Review: We were lucky enough to receive as a Christmas gift and were given permission to open early to enjoy over the holiday. It's our first Artifact puzzle but I've already ordered two more. This puzzle has awesome connectors and the shapes are a pleasure when you find them. Didn't recognize the axolot, now I must find a picture! Once we started the puzzle, there was no question of sleeping until it was finished at 4 AM. A quality puzzle and a great gift. Perfect for any puzzler.
Name: Danielle
Review: Loved this beautiful puzzle!!! Loved it even more after Maya told me I had the center "star" piece turned the wrong way and that was why I had a gap. Note to self, really look at the image before you think your done, lol!!!
Name: Michael Fox
Review: This puzzle is so beautiful, but it is also one of the more difficult of the Artifact puzzles. The feeling upon completion is very satisfying. The painting and the cut combine for a significant challenge. Lovely. I do think you should be interviewed by Artifact regarding your puzzling history, personality profile, and any tendency to quit difficult tasks before you are finished ere you are given permission to order this puzzle.
Name: shannon bergeron
Review: I thoroughly enjoyed this puzzle due to the mirror image aspect. It's not terribly difficult but keeps things interesting. The variety of shapes amd whimsies will keep you from getting bored. This is one the whole family can enjoy!