Huck is a coonhound/foxhound mix. He is a power chewer and LOVES to chew on anything made of wood, especially wooden puzzle pieces!
Here's Huck checking for any loose slurpable puzzle pieces:
Huck guarding the finished puzzle to make sure no other dogs get to eat any yummy puzzle pieces:
This message brought to you by the SPWDWYTHTYAYDFEPP (the Society of People Who Don't Want You To Have To Yell At Your Dog For Eating Puzzle Pieces).
If your dog does chew a piece, we can usually replace it for $15 (buy the replacment, then email us a photo at
Heh! There was a piece in one of the puzzle club puzzles I got which had been ever-so-lightly chewed with love by someone’s dog. The tiny tooth marks were so slight as to barely be noticeable – certainly not worth replacing the piece – but since I have three dogs myself, it definitely gave me a chuckle!